So, I've not told you guys specifically about one of my classes. Mainly because its meant so much to me so far, that I would be heartbroken, devastated, and embarrassed if it didn't end up working out. BUT IT DID, so now I can openly share the project with you.
Here's what I'm talking about:
Site Specific Public Art Installation
I've been trying to get into this class for a couple of semesters already, and each time the class was either 'not offered in the fall' or 'cancelled for the semester'.
At last, this semester was my chance! The "site" that offered itself to us as inspiration was th San Francisco Zoo. I was ambivalent about it at first, feeling more excited to be taking the class than bonding with and being inspired by zoo animals.
But it turns out the SF Zoo has a "Children's Zoo", which features its own little "Family Farm"! If I've not expressed it enough on this here blog, I'll say it again: it is my dream to move to Portland and live on a farm, with a dozen or so chickens, a few goats, and a vegetable garden. This Family Farm was a rural oasis for me! I fell in love with the goats there, who are just as friendly but far less invasive than dogs. The pigs they've there are adorable, the donkeys are sweethearts, and the sheep are charismatic.
I knew I wanted to spend as much time there as possible, but I didn't have any ideas for any installations. How could I be so in love but not inspired? Oh it broke my heart as I listened to my classmates pitch their highly conceptual ideas to our teacher, while I stared blankly at him and said "I only know I love the goats". He encouraged me to listen to and follow my heart. Well-versed in this practice, in one hour, I HAD IT: I wanted to make a giant 4-ft tall cake out of hay for these goats!
My friend Ginelle said: "Oh its like you're trying to address the wedding cake you never had."
I immediately broke down in tears, in front of her, the teacher, the class, everyone.
My teacher looked at me and said: "This means you HAVE to do it."
Well I developed the idea further, made my presentation board, and just this past Friday, we stood up in front of a SFZoo committee and pitched our ideas. I was nervous, my BPD acted up, and all I remember is a blurry view of this panel of judges.
Well guess what? THEY SAID YES. And not only that, but they want to make it coincide with their big sheep-shearing event in May- the one that's in the NEWSPAPER and on TV. I couldn't believe it. I was blown away, I was humbled, I was dizzy. I texted nearly everyone I knew!
It means so much to me to be able to continue to hang out on this farm, play with the goats, smell and work with the hay. Maybe it makes me a weirdo, but I'm a happy weirdo, so THERE.
current mood: happy weirdo.
current music: the whites - keep on the sunny side
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