Tuesday, January 18, 2011

done and done.

Awesome thing #1: Remember my uber single-gal Thanksgiving? When I worked on an avant-garde surrealist music video? Well the results are IN!
Here is the video:  http://www.vimeo.com/18866231

Awesome thing #2: Here is an email I recieved today from my coworker:
Hey Kendra,

So a guy came in and he loved the cards you made for display (and bought one for $4.50...the mi amore one). He is looking for a Chinese New Year card and was wondering if you could make one that is similar to the two we've made in the store, but larger (probably A7). He'd really like you to do it and put your own spin on it. What do you think? Is this something you'd be interested in doing?


Awesome thing #3: I am teaching my VERY OWN workshop Feb 6th! Yes, its for the Queen of Hearts Wreath! The most awesome part is that I made a sign to put near the wreath that read: "make this wreath at our Queen of Hearts Workshop". Before the glue was even dry, a gal came in, saw the wreath, and promptly paid her money to reserve her spot for the workshop. Oh! I was so excited!

Awesome thing #4: A distressed bride wandered into the store in a search for place cards and photo decor. Seeing the confused look on her face, an employee asked to help. Upon hearing the word 'wedding', I was called over. The bride and I got to talking and I guided her through some color choices, gave her some suggestions, and we got along and chatted for a while. Long story short, she's wanting to hire me to be her wedding coordinator! And she's willing to PAY ME! I'm not sure I can do it (semester begins soon), but I'm honored, flattered and blown away to be asked at all.

Awesome thing #5: Tomorrow all my crafts debut for sale exclusively at Cherish under the pseudonym Peanut Butter & Jealous! I've my very own SKU! (barcode set-up in computer).

Awesome thing #6: Friday Lorissa and I are going to try to make our own candles. I also want to try to make my own body lotion! candle making + wine = homesteadin' party!

Awesome thing #7: Everyone likes my new hat.

current mood: awesome.
current music: swinging blue jeans - hippy hippy shake

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