Thursday, February 28, 2013

like i could stay away from you

I've the intention to close down this blog, or rather, leave it hanging, and begin a new one. I've a handful of subscribers, so if you are interested in continuing to follow my ramblings, email me and I'll send you the link. In the meantime, and in closing, allow thousands of words to be translated by these photographic clues of my Life Lately:

her name is Bijou Ennui, because she is shiny and tiny, and sleeps so much she must be completely bored of life. We call her Bebe for short, but Bijou is fun to say. And yes, thats whats-his-face from what-are-they-called.


yeah stumptown. Stump. Town.

learn some kids

current mod: relieved
current music: grace potter & the nocturnals - never go back